Video: LAPD cold-case detectives arrest one of their own, 23 years after killing May 27, 2010, 12:06 p.m. Watch CBS News Videos Online On Feb. 24, 1986, Sherri Rasmussen's new husband came home to their Van Nuys condominium to find his wife's badly beaten body. Rasmussen, a 29-year old nursing director, had been shot several times, and her car was missing.Although Rasmussen’s father urged authorities to look at a female LAPD officer, his son-in-law's ex-girlfriend, in connection with the brutal killing, investigators failed to follow the lead, believing Rasmussen was a victim of a robbery. The homicide investigation remained unresolved for 23 years until cold case detectives examined evidence once again, including DNA, and were able to find their lead suspect: LAPD Det. Stephanie Lazarus. Times reporters Joel Rubin and Andrew Blankstein covered the case when it broke last year and sat down with the CBS news show "48 Hours" to discuss the events that led up to Lazarus' arrest. Use the video player above to view the program, which originally aired Saturday. -- Sarah Ardalani
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