Times coverage: Possible connections between Valley Village murders and a 2007 unsolved homicide April 9, 2010, 12:55 p.m. Last week, the Times reported on the shooting rampage in a Valley Village eatery that left four men dead.Vardan Tofalyan, 30, Sarkis Karadjian, 26, Hayk Yegnanyan, 25, and Harut Baburyan, 28, were inside the Hot Spot cafe, a Mediterranean restaurant, when an unknown gunman or gunmen opened fire before fleeing. Following the incident, investigators were left with many questions, including the motive behind the killings and a description of the assailants. Law enforcement sources, who spoke to The Times on the condition that they not be named because of the ongoing investigation, said they believed the shooting was tied to Armenian or Eurasian organized crime.Now officials are looking for links between the recent San Fernando Valley massacre and the slaying of a man in the Hollywood Hills three years ago. Times reporters Richard Winton and Robert Faturechi have more on the story on L.A. Now.
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